August 31, 2012

Ultimo giorno di agosto

.... si, da oggi questo blog verrà scritto in italiano.
Non conosco bene l'inglese, e la maggior parte delle persone che leggono questo blog sono italiane, quindi....
......benvenuti un'altra volta nel mio, anzi futuro-nostro-blog!!!!!

August 27, 2012

I really love (August 2012)....

1. Rain, wind, and fresh air
2. Sleeping getting under the blankets
3. Spending Sundays with good friends
4. Figs (sooooo good!!!!)
5. Lunchbreak
6. Looking for a new haircut
7. Taking care of a pet
8. Taking photos with my new  camera
9. This blog: I love the way she dresses!!
10. The fact that autumn is going to come. Soon.

August 23, 2012


I love summer, but now all I want is a rainy fresh without-umidity day.
I cannot sleep, (or if I sleep I dream about batman.....), so I'm tired and a bit angry the whole day......
Anyway, here everything is ok.
- Now Miss Mimi is sleeping next to me....I'm going to miss this lady when she will come back home.
- I finished the second book of "Hunger games", and all I want to do is read the third and last one.
- I want to fly to New York. Even if I'm afraid of the plane, I want to try.This will be our next "big voyage"!!!
P.S: I would like to thank Amanda of Eloquent English for reading and commenting my blog almost everyday!!!!!
You're great!!!
Thank you!

August 21, 2012

Living with a pet

Now I know how wonderful is having a little pet around the house.
She says to you "goodmorning" with a lot of purrs.
She always likes how you cook (milk+water).
She stays next to you, because she doesn't like to stay alone.
When you come home she's always waiting for you.
It's nice having a pet!

August 19, 2012

Meet Miss Mimi!

Now she is adorable!
She sleeps, she purrs, she eats milk....
It wonderful having a pet in the house!!!

August 18, 2012

This week.....

.....we're going to have a guest that:
- it's a lady
- has a lot of fur
- jumps everywhere
- loves sleeping
- has four legs
- loves eating fish
some photos to come!

August 15, 2012


One of my friend told me that I could pick up blackberries for free next to the river Brenta.
So this morning I was very happy because I thought that the evening I would have eaten a lot of blackberries, I would have made marmalade and so on.........
When we arrived there were no blackberries. They have been picked up by others, or they were burned by the sun.
But the day has been anyway good!
(Thank you boyfriend!)
This imagine is stolen by my friend Annina!!
As above

August 14, 2012


So, this morning my alarm didn't ring.
My alarm HAS to ring at 6:50 am. I opened my eyes at 7:30 am. I don't know why it didn't ring,but, miraculously, I arrived at work on time!!!!
But, I'm a set in one’s way girl and I have to have my breakfast quietly, watching cartoons, then I look at my pc, and then I decide the dress for the day!
This morning I thought that this day was started in a bad way.
But now, that evening is come, I can say that everything is ok. After work I ran, I got a shower and now I'm here with my blog.
So, Happy August Bank Holiday to you!!!
(and tomorrow my alarm has not to ring!!!! ;) )

August 13, 2012

The odd life of Timothy Green

I'm currently obsessed with this trailer.
I hope this movie arrives in Italy very soon!!!
Have a nice week!!

PS: I even like a lot Jennifer Garner!!! (she was great in ALIAS!!!!)

August 11, 2012

Our weekend - Part two

.... then we arrived to the hotel.....

A little church...
So, the hotel was amazing!!! Really!we must thank the one who gave us this wonderful gift!
We had a great time also in Lago Maggiore! 
And even thank you boyfriend for the camera!
Have a nice weekend!!

August 8, 2012


Yesterday this guy turned 28.
Yes, 28.
So .....
........ Happy Birthday, Boyfriend!!!!!

August 5, 2012

Our weekend - Part one

We spent this weekend in a hotel with FIVE STARS!!!!
This was a gift for our graduation, we chose the destination, and we arrived in this wonderful place.
I felt like Kate Middleton, I was surronded by beautiful things, I had a shower in a wonderful bath, and we slept in a comfortable and rich (with 4 pillows!!!) bed.
So this weekend we felt like Royals!
And we try our new camera....
We arrived and we waited for our room, so we went to walk in a park...
Boyfriend likes Hunger games, and he felt like Peeta... be continued