January 23, 2012

Natural Sunday

After a very motivating breakfast with my friend Giorgia (she gave me motivation for my studies, for looking for work,..... THANK YOU!!!!!!!), I spent the afternoon with my boyfriend!
We went walking along the Brenta river


with my new boots!!!

Boyfriend's photo n°1! I told you he is good at!

Boyfriend's photo n°2

Then we went to greet my boyfriend's grandmother, and I asked her a lot of things about her past ... how she met her husband (my boyfriend's granfather), how was living during the World War II .... I love knowing this things from our granparents!
Have a great Monday!!!
I start study!!!! ;)


  1. grazie a te cara!!!!:-) da rifare assolutamente! e con questo mi hai "costretta" a diventare tua follower ufficialmente...come facevo a non commmentare?!? ;-)
