July 6, 2013

First week in Trieste: gone!

So, the first week is gone.
Is not that bad living in another city and meeting a lot of people.
My facebook friends are growing.
I really have basic basic basic skills about pc, and attending this class I'm getting everyday more conscious about this.
But, I try to do my best.
And for me, being able (and almost happy) to live far from home, in a city that is not the one I've always lived, and away from my Mr...is the best goal!!
First day alone in Trieste: I got lost
On Wednesday my classmates and I visited the garden of the "Castello di Miramare" in Trieste, and then we had dinner in a osmiza, and we had a great time and great food!!!
Here's some photos I took from that day (with my phone, not great quality....):
On the left side, my finger! In the rest part of the photo, the gardens

I know that I'm not a very fashion girl, but taking a photo of me every morning, makes me feel more connected...so here's what I wore these first 4 days (on Thursday I look terrible....)!

So...have a nice and super weekend!!!


  1. I am so happy to hear that you arrived and that you are having a good time! You look lovely on those pictures!


    1. Hi Larissa!!!
      Thank you soooo much!!!!
      Another week is passing...good thing!
