May 25, 2013

Get lucky

That's what has happened during these last days....not in this particulary order!
  • This morning I met my hairdresser because yesterday morning I saw 3, yes 3, white hair in what I can call "my-ex-bangs". And I don't know how many white hair I have in the rest of my head...So this morning my hair dresser has covered up all of them...Well done, Mr hairdresser!
  • I started to attend photography classes!!! Yeeees!!!!And I'm very very happy about this!  Despite what I thought, I have to boyfriend is right...I MUST READ (STUDY) USER'S MANUAL...
  • Winter is arrived. It's true, it's cold, I'm wearing a wool sweater, and, I hate this. It's the end of May, I WANT to put on my summer-dresses, and soak up the sun, and wearing my wedge heels!!!!
  • I'm trying to understand something about pinterest....I try to use it....just give me a week, and I'll become addicted to!!!
  • While one of my friend is on her honeymoon, another one is building her first house, I'm still looking for a real and serious life cool?
  • I met some fantastic girls during this my internship
  • I've read two great books: The Painted Veil by William Somerset Maugham, and I finished to read The Sweetness of Forgetting by Harmel Kristin....two wonderful books!!!
  • Ah, I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!

Here's some photos took on a Saturday in May (when it was almost spring....)

 For the first time I sat down on my Mr's shoulders....and, guys!!!world is very high!!!

Have a nice Saturday!!!

May 20, 2013

Didi's diary

Hi Pice's followers!

It's Didi speaking writing.
 I'm Didi

Do you remember me?You can know something about me here, here and here
Anyway...I'm a bit excited because this is the first time I write type something....I would like to thank Pice and Mr because of the superwonderful Sunday we had together.
They took me for a stroll...and guys!What an amazing Sunday I you can see Bea is unable to take a photo of me because I was always walking/running!

Mr and I
Mr and I

I sniffed around....
I crossed the street on the crosswalk
I had a wonderful shadow
I broke some hearts....

So, Bea sometimes stopped and took some photos....I think she made a good job....

.....THAnk yOU GuYs!!!!!!!
I hope to write here again,
Lots of love

May 13, 2013

San Gimignano

Today I'm very happy because a few minutes ago, I had an English test (I'm going to start an English course) and my level is B1!!!!
The credit of this is this blog!!!I'm sooo happy for this!!!(By the way, if you are an abitual reader of this blog, you already know that I'm not a B1....hahahahahahaha!!!)
That's why, I'm going to write sometimes in English and sometimes in Italian, isn't it a good compromise?
So in the last post I talked about a Saturday with my cousins, where we had a bbq (it means barbeque, I learnt it Saturday)...and today I'm going to load the last photos of our little holiday in Tuscany....San Gimignano, here we come!!
'morning sir!
Oooops...Mr is's better!probably....
Mr was looking at me while I was taking photos!(I knew this thank to this photo....)
"La Grotta Ghiotta"-where we had lunch....SUPER!!!!
My lunch...I fell in love with bruschette

   See you soon, wonderful and peaceful places!!

May 12, 2013

Quando una pietra miliare parigina torna a Padova....

Dovete sapere che l'adorabile ragazza che è ritratta nella foto con il Mr, è una delle mie cugine:
dal momento che la signorina vive a Parigi, quando torna a casa cerchiamo di vederci almeno una volta, ma ieri abbiamo deciso di fare le cose in grande.....
Quindi: carne a volontà, due barbeque che lavorano ininterrottamente per 3 ore, birra e vino che scorrono a fiumi, frutta e dolci perchè il dessert non può mai mancare, e una casa piena di ricordi a cui se n'è aggiunto un altro....ecco gli ingredienti per una grigliata perfetta.

Adesso tutti sapete perchè le costicine erano così croccanti...
Mia sorella
Inizia il gioco delle coppie.....siccome sono una cialtrona, non ho fotografato una coppia, ma ho rimediato...trovate subito la coppia non fotografata ieri... (le coppie,a dire il vero, ma una non è stata fotografata perchè assente per lavoro, ma ho rimediato anche nel loro caso!)

Loro non c'erano perchè lavoravano, ma una foto se la meritano!!!(grazie per gli spiedini! : D)
E' l'unica scompagnata, quindi.....

A quando la prossima?