October 21, 2013

Oh no, Monday again!

In my grandpa's garden, there's a very big hazelnut tree.
So, every autumn we have a lot of hazelnuts.
Yesterday, while Mr and I were having a walk, it started raining cats and dogs.

So I thought, why can't we make a cake with hazelnuts?

And the taste and smell of fall arrived in our home!
It was so funny cooking with my Mr!
Every Sunday evenings I think "Why doesn't exist a day between Saturday and Sunday?!?"


  1. Hi Beina! Every Sunday evening I have the same thought... Oh no, Monday again, although sometimes it's even worse... I hate Mondays!!! ;-)

    I picked some wallnuts last weekend, you have just given me the idea of making a wallnut cake! Ciao!

    1. I'm happy I give you an idea!
      When I'm in the kitchen an idea is always "welcome"!
      Hasta luego, Reyes! :)
      Have a good day!

  2. I love hazelnut cakes! I often make banana bread with lots of hazelnut and then I make small nut-balls with hazelnuts and dates and honey (just mix together and form small balls and eat raw)
    For me every day seems to be weekend at the moment and I don't know if I like it or not (I work on my thesis on sundays and hand around doing nothing today... even though I should work on my thesis...)

    Anyhow, have a good start in the week!


    1. Larissa, thank you so much for your recipe!!!
      I'm going to try it asap!!

  3. The real question is who made a work week 5 days long and a weekend only 2 days? Why couldn't we work 2 days and have a 5 day weekend. Just saying. ;)

    1. I totally agree with you, Amanda!!!
      Everybody would work if we work 2 days in a week!hahahaha!

  4. I wish there was one of those extra days too.. it goes by too fast

  5. So true. I wish the weekends were just a little longer.

    1. I wish the same! :)
      Have a good day!and thank you for stopping by!

  6. I hate mondays too...but that cake looks delicious!!:D
