March 3, 2014

Welcome March! I was waiting for you!

Well, another month is finished, and we say goodbye to February!!!
March is here, and I couldn't be more happy about it!

Here's some random things I want to share with you...

I have some plans, about my photography, and I can tell you, having a plan, or a project, that depends just on me, it's something great! It gives me a lot of energies!

I spent a wonderful weekend with my Mr, we watched a lot of episodes of "How I met your mother, 7", and even if outside was raining cats and dogs, inside we were happy. Happy just of spending time together....
Happy Monday evening!!

This morning I dreamt about the dress I would have worn if I had been invited at the Oscars....

Tonight I dreamt about bees.....they say is a good signal dreaming about bees, finger crossed

I'm in love with nature and flowers, it seems that everything is blooming

Do you know I have a new book of recipe? I love them!

This weekend I discovered that painting is relaxing

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