June 5, 2013

Over the weekend...something different!

Thank's God I have this little corner of internet that's all mine!
Because I WANT TO stay positive, I'm just going to share with you some of the photos that I took on Sunday!
It's better if I say nothing, about work, about how I feel about this specific period of time and about this specific period of my life.
So, let's focus on goood and almost happy things!
As I told you, on Saturday I had a photography classes!
As you can see, I'm learning a lot of things....the light....
I've start to change my perspective
it seems that just the light is changed, but it isn't! Anyway, my teacher is a man, not God....and, most of all, I'm still me!
So, on Sunday I took my camera and I went to a lunch with our friends, and then we sae Monselice!!!
Here's some photos!!!
This villa was magical!
Do you remember these sweet girls? No?Yes? just look at June 2012....and you'll see them rafting!!

So, after the lunch Mr and I went to visit Monselice, a district of Padua...it's wonderful!!
Are you ready?

.....and I don't know why, but I cannot download some photos....tomorrow I'm going to have (probably) a solution of this problem (we have photography classes!)
By the way, every time I visit a district or a city here in Italy I realize how wonderful is the country I can call mine...
Happy Thursday!!!


  1. Bella Bea le tue foto sono sempre più belle...
    stai diventando sempre più brava!!! :*

  2. Great great photos!!! What kind of camera are you using? (:

    1. Hi dear Amanda! :)
      I use a nikon 3100, and a 18-55 lens, she works magic!! :DD

  3. Lovely picture so clear and crisp

    Carrieanne x


  4. These are such great pictures! I hope you're feeling a bit better soon.

  5. definitely unbeatable!!
    your purposes and pictures are always the best, hope you follow me back <3

    Sergio, xx

    1. Hi Sergio!
      Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I'm not able to leave a comment on your blog....I don't know why!
      Have a nice day!

  6. your pictures are great! I found many fantastic!!
    I wish you much success in your studies!
    Your country is certainly beautiful.

    many kisses

  7. It looks so lovely!
    I hope you are feeling better soon xxxxx Becky xxxxxx

  8. Hey good job with the photos, hope the photography lessons helped you! :)

    Alysia x

  9. Hey dear!
    Nice pictures! I also have problems with the light quite often. I think its hard to learn and you are doing are really good job!
    Come and visit my blog is you like :)


  10. Hey!
    Thanks for following :) of course I follow you back and I can't wait to see more of your improvements from the photography classes :)!!!

