February 18, 2012

Things I love (February 2012)

Gooood morning!!!
Here's my happy list for the "February edition"!
  1. I love February because my boyfriend and I became a couple in this month, 4 years ago!!!So I love the fact that in February we celebrate the 14th, the 15th and .... just for this year, 29th!!!!!! the day we became a couple!!!!
  2. Days are looonger!!!!! ; ) (but still cold .... )
  3. In every shop I can find spring dresses!!! (very very good)
  4. I've got the first chapter of my paper ( that's the first step for the end of my studies )
  5. I'm reading a book about a dog!!! (it's a gift from boyfriend, I can say I'm going to get ready for a dog!)
  6. I like getting dress in a professional way for job interviews (even if I have to wait 35 minutes....)
  7. These shoes. I LOVE THEM!
8. I even love this dress (I know that if I'll wear it, it will not fit in the same way ... )
9. thinking about the weddings that I have this summer makes me smile!!!
10. Yes, weddings! not just the one in Paris, even my cousin is getting married this summer!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The flower shoes are really cute and i love the blue dress! Great pictures!

    Hope you visit me on my Blog
